May 27, 2020


KTM Series, initiated by Von Kathmandu Adventures Pvt Ltd in October 2018, is a fun and social monthly trail running race in the outskirts of Kathmandu, with 15K, 7K and 3K distances. The Series takes place in sets of 10 races called Seasons throughout the year (except in monsoon), and we have just completed our first season in October 2019. We are about to start the second season from November 9th, 2019. Full details and race calendar:

By participant numbers, it is the largest trail running race in Nepal with regular participation of about 350 runners from 30 countries. So far, 1109 people of 54 nationalities have run in KTM Series at least once. Nepali and international participants are half and half, while 60% are male and 40% female. The average age is 31 years old. The race is popular among the runners, who have left us fantastic reviews.

We are seeking Title Sponsorship for KTM Series for a sum of NRs. 1,200,000 (USD 10,000) for the second season (10 races in total), which covers minimum operating cost and maintenance, allowing us to upgrade the race experience for runners and deploy a core team for the season. We reserve the Title Sponsor spot for only one brand, and do not take in competitors of Title Sponsors even as a minor sponsor.

The races have allowed us to create a broader running community; people come to the races, socialize, plan runs together and so forth. We purposefully target an audience of all aspirations and abilities, including getting people that did not run before to get inspired. This can also be seen in our social media engagement on Facebook and the spin off products like the social runs organized weekly by the Series’ practice wing Trail Mob.

As such, we believe a Title Sponsor would have significant exposure among a community that would be interested in outdoors and sportswear. A Title Sponsor receives considerable, often exclusive, exposure pre- and post-event online, offline and at race venue. (Please see Section D for full details.) We also offer photoshoot with Wild Sports team and KTM Series team to announce the new partnership and your joining to Nepal’s running community.


We have always focused on improving the quality of KTM Series and have made it a fun yet competitive event where people come to run, enjoy the outdoors and socialize, thus isolating it from non-race elements like linking it with causes, campaigns, politics, religion, etc. The race does not provide cash prizes to maintain healthy competition and also because distances are short. Entry fees and revenue goes towards logistics, printing, transportation, assets and remuneration of a growing and skilled team. Any surplus is reinvested. We actively seek suggestions from runners, thus allowing us to improve constantly, earning us raving reviews.